Does the National Library hold a collection of portraits and pictures of individuals, over the centuries, and how difficult is it to obtain copies?


The National Library has a vast collection of portraits, and this is the largest collection of Welsh portraits in the world. It consists of 65,000 images in many different media, from photographs to sketches, engravings and framed works of art; and it includes images of characters well known nationally and internationally, from the earliest period up to today.

15,000 items were digitised for the Welsh Portrait Archive by the “Portread: Welsh Portraits Online” project. Bibliographical records have been created, and in the near future it will be possible to search the full collection of images through the Library’s catalogue.

More information on the project is available on the relevant pages on the Library’s website:

  • Diweddarwydd diwethaf. May 10, 969
  • Gwelwyd 4
  • Atebwyd gan: Iwan ap Dafydd

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