Does the National Library hold collections of rare books on the history of Mythology in Wales?



There are many collections relating to Welsh Mythology in the National Library, and some are listed below:

Bourdillon Collection: An important collection of manuscripts and rare books collected by Francis William Bourdillon (1852-1921). It includes a number of Arthurian works, including 23 editions of the “Roman de la Rose” that were published before 1550.

Arthurian Collection: This builds on Bourdillon’s collection, and the Library has collected over 3,000 works on Arthurian legends.

T. Witton Davies Collection: The library of the Biblical scholar T. Witton Davies’ (1851-1923), which includes work on sorcery and demonology.

Sidney Hartland Collection: Edwin Sidney Hartland’s (1848-1927) collection which includes about 4,200 volumes that specialize in folklore and anthropology.
  • Diweddarwydd diwethaf. May 11, 394
  • Gwelwyd 4
  • Atebwyd gan: Iwan ap Dafydd

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