Pa wybodaeth a gedwir yn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru ar Dywysog Madog o Gymru a’r syniad mai ef a ddarganfuodd yr Americas?
Mae nifer o weithiau wedi eu cyhoeddi ynglŷn ag hanes Madog, ac mae’n bosib chwilio am y rhain ar y Catalog ( "With Madog to the New World", Malcolm J. Pryce "The European Discovery of America", Samuel Eliot Morison "Madoc, Prince of America", Bernard Knight "Who discovered America?: The Amazing Story of Madoc", Zella Armstrong "Brave His Soul: The Story of Prince Madog of Wales and His Discovery of America in 1170", Ellen Pugh "English Romanticism and the Celtic World", Gerard Carruthers & Alan Rawes, 'The Welsh American Dream: Iolo Morgannwg, Robert Southey and the Madoc Legend', Caroline Franklin, pp. 69-84 "Madoc: The Making of a Myth", Gwyn A. Williams "The Welsh Connection: The Historical Accounts Relevant to the Legendary Voyage to America by Prince Madoc, 1170-1171", Irene Patton Parker "Voyages and Discoveries: Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques & Discoveries of the English Nation", Richard Hakluyt |