Does the National Library hold Monumental Inscriptions in its collection?



The National Library does hold Monumental Inscriptions in its collections, but the inscriptions themselves are varied and are kept randomly at the National Library.

The first place to look is the National Library's full online catalogue:

A complete index for all the Monumental Inscriptions is kept in the National Library and is available to view in the South Reading Room of the Library.

There are some published collections of Monumental Inscriptions, and these are also kept on the open shelves in the South Reading Room.

The Library has a vast collection for the Monumental Inscriptions in the area surrounding Aberystwyth.
  • Diweddarwydd diwethaf. May 11, 531
  • Gwelwyd 6
  • Atebwyd gan: Iwan ap Dafydd

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