I am searching for the volumes of Letters and Journals of Lady Eleanor Butler (1739-1829) and Sarah Ponsonby (1755-1831). Can you be of assistance?


The National Library of Wales holds the original manuscripts, together with microfilm copies (NLW MSS 22967-22996 and NLW Film 999-1003); they are part of the Hamwood Papers.

Under the heading 'Ladies of Llangollen' the "Guide to the Department of Manuscripts and Records at the National Library of Wales", states "see Eva Mary Bell, The Hamwood papers of the Ladies of Llangollen and Caroline Hamilton (London, 1930)". A copy of this guide is held in the National Library.

  • Diweddarwydd diwethaf. May 11, 871
  • Gwelwyd 37
  • Atebwyd gan: Iwan ap Dafydd

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