Are there any publications that can help me found out more about the place names of Wales?


There are many publications available that explain the origin and the meanings of place names in Wales.

Sources may be found by searching the Library's Full Catalogue (

Of the sources held at the National Library of Wales the following are some of the most useful and reliable:

G. Melville Richards, "Place-names of North Wales" (1953)

Dewi Davies, "Welsh place-names and their meanings" (1983)

An audio CD, produced by the BBC is also available:

"Beth sydd mewn enw?" - BBC Cymru, Radio Cymru 2007-06-12 + 2007-06-19

After you 'Request' audio CDs on the catalogue, you may use the facilities that are available in the South Reading Room to use them.

  • Diweddarwydd diwethaf. May 11, 900
  • Gwelwyd 5
  • Atebwyd gan: Iwan ap Dafydd

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