I am a Cornish student and would like to access some of your Cornish language material, how would I be able to do this?


Some Cornish material held amongst the Library's collection has been digitised, such as Beunans Meriasek (Peniarth MS 105B) and Beunans Ke (NLW MS 23849D). These are freely available through the Digital Mirror section of our website (http://www.llgc.org.uk/digitalmirror)

The Library also houses a copy of the Short Stories and Folk Tales by R. St. V. Allin-Collins (NLW MS 6075C). Although not digitised, this can be ordered to be viewed in the Reading Rooms at the National Library.

As well as Cornish materials, we also have sources in other languages. Details of the Celtic Collections the Library holds can be seen on the Library’s website (http://www.llgc.org.uk/index.php?id=3377).

The Library also has a section on Ethnic Collections, and more information can also be seen on the Library’s website (https://www.library.wales/collections/featured/ethnic-collections).

  • Diweddarwydd diwethaf. May 11, 904
  • Gwelwyd 15
  • Atebwyd gan: Iwan ap Dafydd

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